Smart and Sustainable Developments in Materials, Manufacturing and Energy Engineering (SME-2025)
(under the aegis of ICETE 2025 Multi-Conference Platform)
6th & 7th February 2025
Organised by
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Robotics & Artificial Intelligence
About Nitte (Deemed to be University)
Nitte (Deemed-to-be University) has its roots in a group of Institutions established by the Nitte Education Trust. The Trust was established in 1979 by one of India's respected Statesman, Late Justice KS Hegde, Supreme Court Judge and Speaker of Lok Sabha, with the mission of empowering rural youth through quality education and healthcare. The Trust has established 36 institutions spread in three campuses at Nitte, Mangalore and Bangalore. It offers education in diverse areas of learning including health professions education, engineering, management, humanities, general education, vocational training, and school/pre-university education. The University offers a total of 74 programs in the disciplines of medicine, allied health sciences, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, physiotherapy, speech and audiology, biological sciences, media & communication and Architecture. It has 4600+ students, 575 faculty members and 2175 support staff on roll. The University campuses are spread over 52 acres in Deralakatte-Paneer areas of Mangalore. The University received A+ Grading in NAAC accreditation in 2021. It has been consistently placed in the Top 65-80 rank band in NIRF. The University is placed in the 401 to 450 Rank Band in the QS Rankings for Asia Region. It has received Diamond rating in the QS I-Gauge India Ratings. The Constituent colleges of the university have good standing in their disciplines in the NIRF rankings. In 2023, Nitte University has obtained 65th Rank, the dental college ranked 5th and pharmacy colleges ranked 46th in NIRF. The BPharm program of the University is accredited by NBA. The teaching hospital is accredited by both NABH and NABL. Read more...
About the Institute
Nitte Mahalinga Adyantaya Memorial Institute of Technology (NMAMIT), Nitte, established in 1986 and recognized by the All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi, is an off-campus centre of Nitte (Deemed to be University), Mangaluru, since June 2022. It is ranked between 101-150 in the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) 2023 by MoE, GoI among the engineering colleges in India. The College has been placed under 'Platinum' category for having high industry linkages by the AICTE-CII Survey of Industry-Linked Technical Institutes 2020. It has active collaborations with several international universities and organizations for faculty and student exchanges, research, internships and placements. Read more...
About the Organizing Departments
The Department of Mechanical Engineering started in 1986 with an intake of 40 students. Today, the undergraduate program in Mechanical Engineering has an intake of 120. The Department offers one Postgraduate programme - M.Tech. Machine Design with an intake of 18 students. The department has well equipped laboratories in Material testing, Foundry, forging and welding, Dynamics, Energy conversion, Heat transfer, Metrology & Measurements and CAD/CAM. With excellent infrastructural facilities in terms of classrooms and laboratories, the faculty are engaged in research activities and sponsored research projects worth more than Rs. 1Crore are already executed. The department has excellent research outputs in terms of publications in refereed International Journals and National and International Conferences. Read more...
The Department of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Engineering started in 2021 and the first batch of students are presently studying in their 6th semester. The major focus of the Robotics & Artificial Intelligence Engineering program is to generate skilled manpower in the area of design and development of robotic systems required for industrial, medical, transportation and logistics, professional cleaning, agriculture, maintenance and inspection applications. The department has developed state-of-the art laboratories in the area of Robotic sensors and actuators, Wheeled Mobile Robots, Micro Aerial Vehicles, Microcontrollers, Image Processing applications in robotics, Application of AI for Robotics and Robot simulations and analysis.Read more...
The departments are recognized as established Research Centres under Nitte Deemed to be University, and there are several part-time and full-time doctoral students pursuing their doctoral research work in the campus.
About the Conference
The Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Department of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte are organizing a Two Day International Conference on "Smart and Sustainable Developments in Materials, Manufacturing and Energy Engineering (SME-2025)" as a part of the Multi-Conference "International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering" (ICETE- 2025) on 6-7 February 2025. The conference is dedicated to driving innovation in nearly every aspect of Mechanical Engineering, Robotics and allied areas. The conference provides a platform for researchers, and professionals from various research institutes, and industries to share and exchange their knowledge and experience on different themes of the conference. A series of invited presentations and technical paper presentations are planned to discuss the emerging trends, feasible solutions to pressing problems in the major domains of materials, manufacturing and energy. Read more...
Theme of the Conference
Smart and Sustainable developments in Materials, Manufacturing and Energy Engineering, is focused on the latest technological innovations. It showcases the commitment of NMAMIT in bringing together various disciplines and amalgamating new ideas. The theme encompasses a wide range of topics and technologies that promote the efficient use of resources, minimize environmental impact, and enhance the overall well-being of society. The conference focuses on the development of new generation materials, Shape memory materials and self-healing materials. It will discuss the use of innovative materials and technologies for efficient energy harvesting, storage, and showcasing cutting-edge manufacturing techniques and devices such as additive manufacturing, nanotechnology and sustainable process engineering and robotic technologies.
Thrust Area
Smart and Sustainable Developments in Energy
Smart and Sustainable Developments in Manufacturing
Smart and Sustainable Developments in Materials
Smart and Sustainable developments in Robotics and Automation
Invited speakers
Eminent researchers, academicians and industrialists will be delivering invited talks on topics pertaining to the four major themes of the conference.
Prof. Nand Kishore, FNASc
Department of Chemistry, and Dean (Administrative Affairs)
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Powai, Mumbai, India
Mr. Rajaram Moorthy
Co-Founder and CTO RoshAl
Trans Asia Cyber Park Business Centre in Kochi,
Infopark Sez, Phase II,
Kochi, Kerala, India
Sri N. Vinaya Hegde
Chancellor, Nitte (Deemed to be University) & President, Nitte Education Trust, Mangalore
Steering Committee
Sri. Vishal Hegde
Pro Chancellor, Nitte-Deemed to be University
Dr. N. R. Shetty
Former Chancellor, Central University, Karnataka
Dr. Takamoto ITOH
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Ritsumeikan University, Japan
Dr. Shripad T. Revankar
Professor, Purdue University, U.S.A
Dr. Harish Kumar Madhyastha
Professor, University of Miyazaki, Japan
Dr. Omid Ansary
Former Senior Associate Dean and Professor, Penn State University, U.S.A
Dr. Jeremy Blum
Chairperson, Dept. of Computer Science and Mathematics, Penn State University, U.S.A
Dr. T Miyazaki
Director, NIDEC Advanced Technology Private Ltd., Bangalore
Dr. M. Murugappan
Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication Engg., Kuwait
Mr. Michio Kaida
Director, Chairman, NIDEC-READ Corp., Kyoto, Japan
Dr. Prasad Yarlagada
Professor, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Yeong-Do Park
Professor, Director of Center for Education of Welding Engineering (CEWE), Dong-Eui University, Busan, Korea
General Chair
Dr. Niranjan N. Chiplunkar
Principal, NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte
General Co-Chairs
Dr. I. R. Mithanthaya
Vice Principal & Dean (Academics), NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte
Dr. Shrinivasa Rao B. R.
Vice Principal & Controller of Examinations, NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte
SME 2025 Chair
Dr. Srinivasa Pai P.
Professor & Head, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte
SME 2025 Co-chair
Dr. Muralidhara.
Professor & Head, Department of Robotics and AI, NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte
Organizing Secretary
Dr. Dilip Kumar K
Asst. Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engg., NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte
Dr. Divijesh P
Asst. Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engg., NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte
Dr. Krishna Prasad K
Asst. Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engg., NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte
Internal Organizing Committee
Dr. Mallikappa, Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Gururaj Upadyaya, Associate Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. H S Kumar, Associate Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Vijeesh V, Associate Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Suresh Shetty, Associate Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Nithin Kumar, Associate Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Ajit Hebbale, Associate Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Veeresha R K, Associate Professor, Dept. of Robotics & Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Rashmi P Shetty, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Robotics & Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Adarsh Rai, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Robotics & Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Udaya D, Associate Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Grynal D’Mello, Associate Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Vidyasagar Shetty, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Austine Dinesh D’Souza, Asst. Professor Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Ravindra, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Santhosh G, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Vishwanath JS, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Sharath Chandra HS, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Melwyn Rajesh Castelino, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Mr. Ravikiran Kamath, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Mr. Bhaskar P, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Mr. Rajath N Rao, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Mr. Sunil Kumar Shetty, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Mr. Manjunath Maiya, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Mr. Goutham Hebbar, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Mr. Mohan Poojari, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Mr. Srinivas Prabhu, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Mr. Raghavendra Pai, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Mr. Vincent Dsouza, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Robotics & Artificial Intelligence
Advisory Committee
Dr. Dasappa S, Professor, Centre for Sustainable Technologies, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Mr. V.V. Kamath, Managing Director, Fronius India Private Limited, Pune
Dr. I.M Palani, Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at IIT Indore
Dr. Ajit Behera, Assistant Professor, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela
Dr. Peter Fernandes, Principal, Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology, Moodbidri
Dr. M.T Mathew, Director of Faculty Research; Associate Professor, Cedric W. Blazer Endowed Professor of Biomedical Sciences University of Illinois College of Medicine, Illinois, USA
Dr. Anand M Shivapuji, Principal Scientist Centre for Sustainable Energy, IISc, Bangalore
Dr. Puneet Tandon, Professor, Mechanical Engineering and Design, IIITDM Jabalpur
Dr. H C Chittappa, Professor, Mechanical Engineering, UVCE and Academic sonnet member VTU, Belagavi
Dr. H S N Murthy, Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Dr. Raj B K N Rao, Editor-in-Chief & Publisher, COMADEM International, UK
Dr. Amit Banerjee, Professor, Pennsylvania State University Harrisburg, USA
Dr. Ning Fang, Professor, Utah State University, USA
Dr. J. M. Mallikarjuna, Professor, IIT Madras.
Dr. K V Gangadharan, Professor, NITK Suratkal
Dr. Dinesh Singh Thakur, Professor, DIAT, Pune
Prof L.M. Das, Professor, Centre for Energy Studies - IIT Delhi
Dr. Ketan Kotecha, Director, Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Dean of Faculty of Engineering, Symbiosis International University, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Dr. Srikanth Rao, Professor, Mechanical Engg. Department, NITK, Surathkal
Mr. S. Gopinath, Advisor, NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte , Former Executive Director – BHEL Trichy
Dr. Nagahanumaiah, Director, Central Manufacturing Technology Institute
Mr. Kiran Sheelavant, Associate Vice President, Autoliv India
Scientific Committee
Dr. Narasimha Marakala, Professor, NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte
Dr. Narasimha Bailkere, Professor, NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte
Dr. Gururaj Upadhyaya, Assoc. Professor, NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte
Dr. Madeva Nagaral, Deputy Manager, Aircraft Research and Design Centre, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Bangalore
Dr. Channabasappa Hampali, Professor, Reva University, Bangalore
Dr. B M Rajaprakash, Professor, UVCE, Bangalore
Dr. Sharanappa, Associate Professor, NITK Surathkal
Dr. Sudheer Reddy, Professor, NMIT, Bangalore
Dr. Kapilan, HOD and Professor, NMIT, Bangalore
Dr. Ezil Vannan, Professor, MCE, Hassan
Dr. Sumana B G, Associate Professor, Government Engineering College, Hassan
Dr. Vishwanatha H M, Assistant Professor, MIT, Manipal
All accepted papers will be published in the proceednigs of SME 2025. The papers presented at SME 2025 will be published in the following (based on scope of the papers):
1. Springer's Book Sereis on "Sustainable Civil Infrastructures (SUCI), indexed in SCOPUS, EI-Compendex, etc. 2. AIP Conference Proceendigs indexed in SCOPUS, Clarivate Analytics, etc.Publications of previous editions
SME 2023 (Fifth edition) SME 2022 (Fourth edition) SME 2021 (Third edition) SME 2020 (Second edition)Important Dates
Submission of Full-length manuscript - Open | 30, June 2024 |
Last date to submit Full-length manuscript | 15, January 2025 (Extended) |
Notification of acceptance | 25, January 2025 |
Early Bird Registration Start | 01, December 2024 |
Submission of Camera-Ready Manuscript | 31, January 2025 |
Last date for registration | 31, January 2025 |
Conference Dates | 06 - 07, February 2025 |
Paper Submission
Authors shall submit their full length original manuscripts to the conference email. The research paper submitted should be an original work and should not have been submitted to any another conference or journal. Please send your full paper in pdf format to sme.nmamit@nitte.edu.in. Manuscript needs to be prepared by keeping plagiarism below 15%. Manuscripts in electronic format (.doc, .docx or .pdf only) need to be submitted. All the submitted manuscripts will be screened for scope and similarity index. Manuscripts passing the screening stage will be sent for technical peer review process. Manuscripts will be reviewed by at-least two independent reviewers and the authors will be notified the review outcome.
Click here to submit the Manuscript
Manuscript template for Springer's SUCI Manuscript template for AIP Conference ProceendingsRegistration
Faculty and students from engineering colleges, R & D labs and professionals from the industry could register.
Registration Fees
Category | Registration Fees | Publication Charges |
Indian Authors - AIP | 12,000 INR | No additional publication charges |
Indian Authors - SUCI | 8,500 INR | No additional publication charges |
Foreign Authors | 250 USD | |
Additional authors (To attend conference) | 750 INR |
Mode of Payment
Registration fee can be paid through UPI (Google Pay/Phone Pe/PayTM, etc), Online credit/Debit Card payments and NEFT as per the details given below:
1. Payment through UPI (Google Pay/Phone Pe/PayTM, etc) (+91) 98426 59966 (Ponnusamy) ; 9842659966@ybl 2. Please click here to pay the registration fee using Credit/Debit Cards 3. Please pay the registration fee to the below bank account directly by internet banking through NEFT, IMPS, etcName | The Diligentec Solutions |
Account Number | 920020020293939 |
Type of account | Current Account |
Bank | Axis Bank, Coimbatore |
IFSC | UTIB0001748 |
MICR Code | 641211012 |
NOTE: Delegates must mention the corresponding author name or paper ID and "SME-2025" without fail during online payment. The proof of online transfer (UTR No., date & time) needs to be scanned and uploaded in the registration portal.
Limited accommodation on payment basis is available in hostel / guest house (twin sharing) on a first come first served basis. Accommodation can be arranged in Hotels in Nitte, Belman and Karkala on prior request.
Conference Location
Nitte is a village in Karkala taluk of Udupi district, in the state of Karnataka. The village is on the way from Padubidri to Karkala. It is 8 km away from Karkala, 36 km from Udupi and 54 km from Mangalore. Nitte is surrounded by lush greenery, coconut groves, and paddy fields, providing a serene and picturesque environment. The village is located close to the Western Ghats, a mountain range known for its biodiversity and scenic beauty. Nitte is well-connected by road and rail networks. The nearest major town is Udupi, which is about 30 kilometers away. Mangalore International Airport is the closest airport, situated approximately 60 kilometers from Nitte.
Famous places to visit nearby:
Dr. Srinivasa Pai P. Professor & Head |
Dr. Dilip Kumar K Assistant Professor Mob: +91-9036963192 |
Dr. Divijesh P Assistant Professor |
Dr. Krishna Prasad Assistant Professor |